Friday, November 1, 2013

November 2013 News

Thanks for Giving
Today is November 1st, Bianca’s birthday.  We are celebrating her birthday by helping her to move out.  She has been planning this day for a while now and we’re glad she waited until she was 18 to do it.  Jake is thinking about moving into her old bedroom although he’s not sure he wants to.  We will now have a guest room for any and all to come visit.

Last night our trick-or-treaters were once again in full force.  Car loads of cute kids are dropped off in our neighborhood so we go through the bags of candy pretty quickly.  This year it was a bit nippy so around 9:00 pm there was a lull at the door so we quickly shut the lights out and went looking for Kate.  This was Kate’s first year to trick-or-treat without parents along.  She and her friends had a great time and came back with huge bags of candy and frozen hands.

 Kate created her costume this year.  She was a “Party Animal.”  Just another way to show that she LOVES animals…I guess.
Jake decided to spend All Hallows Eve with a group of his friends playing word games, looking at an “amazing” baseball collection of a former BYU player and eating pizza.  He arrived home late in the evening and decided he needed to eat some of the left over Pigs in a Blanket.  Needless to say his tummy was rumbling all night long.

The biggest and the best news in our family is that Kels was offered a job.  A great job with Worker’s Compensation Fund.  WCF is a privately owned business that takes care of worker’s comp needs in the state of Utah.  Once trained he will be conducting audits throughout the Salt Lake and Utah counties.  They have been very good to him so far…even won a $50 gift card from one of the Halloween challenges yesterday.  Only bummer is that it’s to Red Lobster so I guess Jake will be accompanying him as his date for the evening.  Much to Jake’s delight I don’t do seafood.  (I’ll let Kels tell you about the job a little more in-depth in the next Chatter letter.)  The offices of WCF are in Sandy, UT (pictured below).  Once he's trained he won't see much of this building.  Until then it's a state of the art workplace.

In this month of Thanks Giving we wanted to let each of you know how much we love and enjoy being a part of the Jackson family.  As a family we had the opportunity to take part in a project at a Salt Lake homeless shelter just a few Saturdays ago.  While there we were able to witness little acts of love and sacrifice.  We felt, maybe like never before, the importance of eternal families.  We’re thankful we belong to an eternal family.

We love you.  Kels, Kellie and the Kids

Great Things Happening at the Holtry Home
Hi everyone- Things have been nuts around here the last few minutes, but I wanted to take a minute and say Hi and update you about what’s going on in our household. It was great to read all the entries last month. Thanks to those who support the Chronicles by taking a minute and writing! Kellie spends a lot of time on it and she has a lot of things on her plate so thanks Kel!

Josh just finished up with his Water Polo Season. The team did pretty well this season and Josh, in particular did a great job. I really enjoy watching Water Polo. The stamina those kids have is amazing. Swimming up and down the pool, not being able to touch the bottom , catching and throwing the ball with one hand all while your opponent is blocking you, kicking you, pushing you under the water and sometimes scratching or grabbing you under the water. It’s pretty intense, but josh loves it. 

He has moved on to Basketball and is assistant coaching our elementary school team. His Young Men’s group recently did a really funny video for young men’s. You should watch it. It’s hilarious! Here is the link:
Hannah has been busy playing soccer and working on school projects. Her soccer team is doing really well this season. Girls are fun to watch play soccer. They are so into it. Very competitive. 

The family got a new Kitten last month and she has been so responsible in taking care of him. He sleeps with her every night and they have really bonded. She’s such a good girl who is so helpful to me.
Jackson has also been playing soccer. Haven’t won a single game, but he always says “I had fun though!” – That’s what it’s all about in my mind. Of course it’s fun to win, but at that age they just want to have fun. He was in a little school play right before Halloween called “Squirm”. He played the Itsy Bitsy Spider. I was nervous if he would freeze in front of the crowd because he said he was so nervous but quite the opposite happened. He totally hammed it up! He even improvised some dance moves. Here is a short clip of his journey to the top of the water spout:
I am getting ready to start something new. They asked me to co-produce the school’s production of “The Little Mermaid Jr.” – it will mostly be behind the scenes, but I’m looking forward to trying something new.
Brent is starting something new also. He was called as the 2nd counselor in the Bishopric. He was very humbled and overwhelmed. I know he will do an awesome job and he is very compassionate and loving. He’s also staying busy working, studying for the bar and trying to find a job as a Lawyer.
That’s about it around here. Hope you all are doing well. I am so thankful for my family. You are all so wonderful and I feel very blessed to have been born into such a close family.
The Holtry’s

Jackson's Squirm Video

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