Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Happy Birthday John

A brief story about the birth of my son, John.

John was due to be born the first of June, 1959.  But he surprised us by being born on May 1, 1959 in American Fork, Utah.  His dad was going to BYU at the time, and we lived in American Fork and he commuted to school in Provo with some friends.  On May 1 I was having contractions quite regularly, and being the first child, I didn’t know if this was the time or not, especially since I had another month to go.  But as the contractions became worse we decided to go to the hospital and see if it was the time, and when there was told that yes, it was time, but since it was the first baby, it could take a long time.  So Mick decided that since he had a final that day, he would go take his test and be back in plenty of time.  Well, surprise!  While he was taking his test, John decided to come and he did.  So when Mick got back, he had a little ditto mark.  There was no doubt whose baby he was because he looked just like his dad.  We decided to name him John William but called him Bill because he came at the first of the month with all the other bills.  (by the way, the dad did great on his test - should have been more worried).  As I was still working for DeVere Wootten, attorney, sometimes dad would be the babysitter while he was studying.  Sometimes I would come home from work and find the boy’s face covered with licorice.  The dad said that he loved it and it kept him quiet.  Go figure!  John grew up in the baseball fields watching his dad play, so wonder baseball became his favorite sport, and I think it still is.  John has turned out to be a good husband, father, and physician and above all, a good member of the church and disciple of Christ.

We love you, John!

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